I have a pi B+ booting tinycore 6.0 and starting rdesktop automaticaly to a fixed internal ip running pos software on win 2008 rc server. I need to redirect the COM1 to ttyAMA0 which I believe i have done. -r comport COM1:ttyAMA0. I am going off the GND and Tx pins (3 an 4). The printer is a bematech MP-4200 TH.
This is the limit of my capabilities how can I test this is sending signals?
Is my wiring too simplistic do I need to attach other pins?
Would it be better to get a RS232 to DB9 converter board and do I need to get on with a voltage shifter? If so where I cannot find any..
and finally when accessing local ports from rdesktop am I the original tc user or do I change to the user for the server? (from my understanding I need to change permissions on the port to access it)
Sorry about all the questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated..