Hello everyone,
I think most people here already know the
http://docker.com, and perhaps a good amount of people also have knowledge of a parallel project that allows the use of Docker in Mac OS X through a virtual machine called
The boot2docker project currently uses a custom x86_64 kernel (having aufs support being the main motivation for this), and a distribution using the x86 packages of Tiny Core Linux.
All this is mounted on a bootable iso on VirtualBox, and here lies a problem and my question. For a full support of VirtualBox resources, VBoxGuest Additions must be installed. But despite the x86_64 kernel from boot2docker, the user space is x86, thus making it impossible to install all the features of VBoxGuest Additions. (more information
Today, boot2docker is mounted with a user space in x86 because of the lack of three extensions on Tiny Core Linux x86_64: acpid, libiconv and ntpclient.
In my research I found that the "source" for the libiconv generation is in x86
http://www.tinycorelinux.net/5.x/x86/tcz/src/libiconv/. I believe that porting in this case is simpler. But the acpid and libiconv packages do not offer an extension framework anywhere (at least that I could find).
How could I proceed to have these three extensions on the x86_64 platform? And in the event that I even have to port them for x86_64 what would be the steps to do it (besides probable adjustments in the source code of these extensions)?