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Author Topic: Missing dev packages  (Read 3401 times)

Offline bmarkus

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Missing dev packages
« on: June 04, 2009, 01:00:36 PM »
To compile from source usually several dev packages are required which are not available in the repository. Good example is freetype and libpng I'm struggling recently. Binaries are part of Tyne Core, but dev files are missing.

I can compile freetype and libpng from source to get my application compiled, but it is a development overhead. Also in fact no need to replace the existing binaries necessarily.


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Offline robc

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Re: Missing dev packages
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 01:05:35 PM »
those headers are included in the compiletc extension for 1.X

for 2.X, libpng and freetype devs are in base-devs extension, though freetype isn't listed in the info file
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Offline samedirection

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Re: Missing dev packages
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2009, 07:07:23 AM »
And is the freetype in TC 2.x freetype2?  I'm compiling Emacs 23 (with gtk2), which  complains that it can't find the freetype2 libs.  In /usr/lib I do have libfreetype.so.6.3.16 (from base-devs, I guess), but I can't mange to figure out whether this is freetype 1 or freetype 2.  It's probably right in front of my face.  

I want to know whether Emacs' ./configure just cant find the right libs, or whether I don't have them.
EDIT: or perhaps base-devs.tcz only provides the headers, and compiling Emacs needs more?

« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 07:10:50 AM by samedirection »

Offline curaga

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Re: Missing dev packages
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2009, 07:15:02 AM »
It is freetype2, either 2.3.5 or 2.3.6. Their numbering is a little weird, there are 3 numbers: the release version (2.x.x), library number (6.x.x) and freetype version (9.x.x) :P
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Offline Juanito

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Re: Missing dev packages
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2009, 07:26:38 AM »
You can see the version from the pkgconfig file - /usr/lib/pkgconfig/freetype2.pc - in base-devs.

Did you load the pkgconfig extension?

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Re: Missing dev packages
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2009, 06:23:50 PM »
I did load the pkg-config extension, but Emacs' ./configure script wasn't finding libpng or freetype2. (I hadn't set PKG_CONFIG_PATH). I didn't realize this was the problem so I followed bmarkus and downloaded and compiled both libpng and freetype 2.  Finally, I found a third missing dependency in /usr/lib/packageconfig (or /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig, I forget) and I set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to include it, and it configured. 

However things broke during compiling with a mysterious error which reported as if it were an error in the source code (possible, but they're releasing the Emacs pretest packages verrrrry conservatively just now, and I did compile an earlier version sucessfully under TC 1.3.)  I'd send the error (and could), but I'm on a different machine just now.

Could it be that I caused myself trouble by compiling new versions of libpng and freetype2, rather than using the versions in the TC compile environment? (The TC environment was there, but my new versions were in /usr/local/..., so I assume they were used) Or could I have caused myself trouble by mixing tcz and tce extensions for the development tools? 

Thanks for your earlier help.

Offline Juanito

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Re: Missing dev packages
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2009, 11:38:48 PM »
Could it be that I caused myself trouble by compiling new versions of libpng and freetype2, rather than using the versions in the TC compile environment? (The TC environment was there, but my new versions were in /usr/local/..., so I assume they were used) Or could I have caused myself trouble by mixing tcz and tce extensions for the development tools? 

I don't think mixing tce/tcz extensions in the development tools would cause a problem, but having two versions of libpng/freetype2 is probably not a good idea. I would recommend rebooting and starting again with PKG_CONFIG_PATH set from the beginning.

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Re: Missing dev packages
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2009, 09:40:51 AM »
Success!  Thanks Juanito and curanga.  I hadn't read the fine Extension Building page in the Wiki yet, since I thought it was just for rolling extensions, but in fact setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH is essential for any (or at least this) tinycore building.  All settled.  Gnu Emacs w/GTK builds fine on TC.  Will trim a bit and submit the extension.