Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Core v6.1rc1
vi /usr/bin/tce-load
sed -i '1c\#!/bin/sh -x' /usr/bin/tce-load
^ of course those as root, or with sudo.
--- Quote ---nitram wrote:
Quick observations.
1. On my system, SystemTools > SetTime doesn't do anything and autocomplete via terminal doesn't seem to have any SetTime command. Is this the same as Date/Time in the ControlPanel? If so, the ControlPanel version appears to work but not from the SystemTools > SetTime drop down menu.
--- End quote ---
Had to do some learning and testing. Now realize that ControlPanel Date/Time allows user to manually set date/time, while SystemTools>SetTime syncs ntpd. Wanted to point out some SystemTools>SetTime and other issues, maybe others could confirm or address.
1. Unless i overlooked, the Core pdf manual makes no reference to the SetTime command. Very difficult for a new user to figure out the difference between this and the Control Panel's Date/Time feature. Would be great if the manual could be more comprehensive in regards to default SystemTools.
2. Similar to above, query renaming SetTime to something more intuitive for new users, such as NetworkTimeSync(ntpd) or similar.
3. Lack of any GUI output via SystemTools>SetTime. Every SystemTools menu entry provides GUI output when selected (Apps, ControlPanel, Editor, Exit, MountTool, RunProgram, Screenshot, Services, Top and Xkill), except SetTime. At the very least, it would be great if a popup indicated 'UTC time set to xxx' and if the script is unable to successfully complete 'network time sync not successful, check ntp server, network connection and port 13 status'.
4. No .wmx folder is re-created in the user's (tc) home directory when using JWM, which houses the .wmx/SystemTools/SetTime script, among others. The .wmx directory is created when running flwm_topside. Can it be created when running any/all window managers?
5. Similar to above, why does /opt/.xfiletool.lst by default remove .wmx when the scripts contained in this folder are useful regardless of window manager?
Thanks for reading.
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