Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Core v6.1rc1
vmbus wait: a bug in the vmbus kernel driver I suppose, it hangs or is too slow for some reason.
mouse off: also visible in Virtualbox 4.x series, not visible in Qemu or Vbox 3. As it's a vbox bug in vbox, I guess it's a similar bug in HyperV. Using Xorg is a workaround.
I saw the coreplus about 15 minutes after posting that, thanks
Not having good luck getting packages to install in RC1
6.0 works fine
6.1 accepts the command but has no output, no error reported either. Python does not install. I also tested with openssh (my main two use cases at the moment).
I just deleted the python extension and downloaded it again using tce-load without problems - something to do with hyper-v maybe?
Edit the first line of the script to be "#!/bin/sh -x" and you'll have debug output.
I don't understand what script to edit.
I re-installed on a virgin hyper-v machine instance and wasn't able to reproduce the (lack of) error; python and ssh installed.
The bad vm is still having the problem so it's not dns related. Let me know if you want to investigate further on that box or we can write it off as beginner's luck.
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