Thanks curaga,
I've remastered my mc 3.8.4 boot cd with the following.
sudo sh qremaster -t 50 -H syslog= waitusb=8 nodhcp= noautologin= showapps= noutc= tz=EST-10 mc3.8.4.iso output.iso
When the system is booting it states EST-10 where it used to say UTC
date command now produces the following.
Wed Feb 4 15:18:19 EST 2015
Which is the correct time for Brisbane/Australia atm.
By the way is it hard to get tc/mc to get the correct date and time from a server online somewhere ?
I don't actually do this for windows, as it has caused problems in the past. Is it possible to do this with mc with some stability ?
Any reference or tips much appreciated.