This is my first post here... I hope it's in the right place.
I'm running piCorePlayer 1.18b on a RPi rev. B. I'd like to mess around with GPIO and TCP, so I was hoping to get the
RPIO (python) extension from the repository, but I couldn't find it. Is it possible to add it to the repository?
As a last option, I might use
GPIO instead, but it lacks the TCP callbacks I'm interested in. There's a
thread where bmarkus says python-RPi.GPIO.tcz was updated, but I can't find it in the repository, either. Am I doing something wrong?
If it's not possible to add RPIO, what would be the correct way of installing it manually? Can someone give me a step-by-step guide? I already managed to compile the GPIO python extension, but it wouldn't stick between reboots. Then I added 'usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages' to .filetool.lst, and it worked, but it doesn't look right...
