just running my first test of tc6.0 on an iMac2000 with a frugal installation (copy) that had worked fine with tc5.4
- kmaps detected, correctly built in, works fine
- alsa sound not detected/not working
- script within .X.d/ behaves in a different way
eg. textfile auto-opened with editor cause systems restart when closed.
- editor colours quoted text, links and remark lines (fine) but has problems with UTF8
- fluff can be installed with Apps but can not be started.
- emelfm2 can be installed but first can not be started either.
- firefox-official can be installed and works fine,
and after first start of firefox also emelfm works (fluff does not)
- some programs of my frugal installation that work fine are:
abiword3.0.0, firefox-official, flburn, gimp2, Gnumeric, KeePassX, PuTTY, Viewnior,
- some programs of my frugal installation that do not work:
fluff, gpa, XChatIRC
Thank you