General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial
Firefox - Extension to install the latest version
Exactly, firefox has most likely not been installed correctly.
Also remember that you can not have both firefoxESR and firefox installed at the same time. firefox_getLatest will attempt to remove old versions if installed, however if you've manually downloaded firefoxESR afterwards then there may be a conflict.
firefox_getLatest is setup to be almost fool proof, but as always you can interfere with the install process if you're not that familiar with how TC installs applications. firefox_getLatest iirc will not install firefox.tcz to the onboot list unless an older variant was previously installed there.
As Gerald suggested firefox hasn't been allowed to install correctly along with it's deps. So to fix that please use "Apps" to remove any previously installed firefoxESR editions, then proceed to install firefox.tcz correctly to your "onboot.lst" Or manually install for this session. Either way, attempting to launch firefox without the correct path will most likely fail, as you've experienced using the file manager probably will not work as desired.
If you prefer to use the commandline, then use
tce-load -i firefox
remember to add firefox.tcz to your onboot.lst using Apps if you choose to have firefox loaded after each bootup.
good luck
Sorry, I did not make it clear. This is on TinyCorePure64-7.0. Right after booting from ISO, I goto Apps -> Select fastest Mirror -> search for firefox. I select firefox_getLatest.tcz. I select "Download + Load" option and click Go. TCE: path shows as /tmp/tce/optional. After it says OK, I open terminal and type The output of this is what I attached in my previous post.
I am not adding firefox.tcz to OnBoot.lst as I guess should not matter as I am using this machine for just one boot cycle. In the sense, boot and load TinyCore from any computer, go to website, do something, shutdown computer.
I just repeated the same steps now, and I get this new message (I sweat I had not seen that before):
grep: /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst: No such file or directory
Doing: tce-load -i firefox shows firefox is already installed!
The ISO is not writable. Use a standard disk based installation.
I found that in this scenario booting to a tinycore64.iso (burned to a cd) the symlink required by Firefox is not being created. though it works fine if installed to a USB drive (last time i checked).
at the terminal, type
--- Code: ---ln -s /lib /lib64
--- End code ---
then launch firefox
normally you would launch firefox_getLatest from the desktop menu, then after installing the latest (now 45.0.1) launch firefox from the wbar icon
I'm typing this from tinycore64 cd from where I installed firefox_getLatest, then created the symlink and launched firefox from the firefox icon
Thanks, I tried it again now using my USB drive and was able to install firefox 45.0.1 and after reboot, firefox is working fine.
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