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Firefox - Extension to install the latest version

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Hmm, no. Settings that were suggested in order to enable HTML5 video actually prevented Firefox from working correctly.
So at  about:config  I set these settings back to default:
That fixed the crash and HTML5 video works again.

Interesting....   so all is well on the Firefox HTML5 and YouTube front  :)
I wish I could say the same for the new signing of add-on's in v43+, but add-ons will catch up eventually..

Meanwhile I didn't have to wait long to test minor updates with the latest script because Firefox v43.0.1 is out and the mechanism works well

No one should experience any difficulties getting the very latest firefox,  enjoy

Attached "" script has been updated to v2.1

with improvements to
I)  detection of older squashfs-tools for compatibility with tc-4.x & tc-5  (x86 versions)
2) detection of architecture

Has been tested on tc-5, tc-6, tc-7 with all possible architectures

Will submit the updated extension asap
thanks for your patience

Hi, when I try the from repository, it does download Firefox 45, seems to install fine and also creates a icon on wbar, but will not launch Firefox. It seems to create all files.

I tried it on VMWare and from SD card (installed using TinyCore but using corepure64.gz and vmlinuz64.gz). I can run Firefox ESR fine but not the latest 45. Using flwm or fluxbox has no impact.

Manually trying to execute using PCManFM shows error message [Failed to execute child process "/tmp/tcloop/firefox/usr/local/firefox/firefox" (No such file or directory)]

It sounds like you have not loaded firefox.tcz.


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