General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial
Firefox - Extension to install the latest version
@coreplayer2, older busybox wget always required http:// or ftp:// in urls. I submitted a patch for that some time ago, where it adds http:// if no protocol prefix exists. 4.x must be before that.
--- Quote from: Lee on October 07, 2015, 02:40:50 PM ---
--- Quote ---It is, however, an annoyance that the script goes so far as to add the new extension to onboot.lst.
--- End quote ---
After a second thought, I think there is an easy fix for this. Just change line 550 to:
--- Code: ---grep -q firefox-getLatest.tcz ${tce_dir}/$bootlist && grep -q firefox.tcz ${tce_dir}/$bootlist || echo "firefox.tcz" >> ${tce_dir}/$bootlist
--- End code ---
(or maybe it would be even better to do a s/firefox-getLatest.tcz/firefoz.tcz/ substitution)
Then, firefox.tcz will be added to the onboot list only if firefox-getLatest was in that list, which I think is more polite than always adding firefox.tcz.
--- End quote ---
@curaga ok I hear you now.. We need to test for wget version ??
@lee sorry I misunderstood (I think)
Will look at a resolution to this asap
No need to test if you always include the protocol.
--- Quote from: Lee on October 07, 2015, 02:40:50 PM ---I tried out this script under Core 4.7.7 / x86 and it worked except for one instance where the target of wget didn't explicitly start with either "http://" nor "ftp://". Once I changed
--- Code: ---wget -q $latestVER
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---wget -q http://$latestVER
--- End code ---
it ran and produced the extension as expected.
Very nice!
--- End quote ---
OK Lee, I understand the problem now. I assume the one instance where it failed was on tc-4.x ? which the script has not been tested on otherwise I would have probably caught the issue. has been tested on tc-5.x and tc-6.x only, in any case busybox version of wget is forced. I was wrong with the protocol prefix so have added http:// to latestVER=""
I'll have to look for an old tc-4.x to test on. Thanks for pointing this out.
code now reads
--- Code: ---latestVER=""
--- End code ---
this also gave me another idea (more later..)
--- Quote ---It is, however, an annoyance that the script goes so far as to add the new extension to onboot.lst.
--- End quote ---
Isn't this the default action of APPS?
I'm thinking that anyone wanting to download or update a commonly used application would want the browser available each time they boot.. am I wrong in that assumption..??
If I'm wrong with that assumption, then the philosophy behind Apps is also wrong..?
I don't honestly know where to go with this.. I think the consensus would be to have a commonly used application available on every boot.
It's an easy fix but my fear is it would confuse many folks
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