dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Release Candidates


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Jason W:
Now preserving the user's environment in dCore scripts that are called internally with sudo.

modified:   usr/bin/deb2sce
modified:   usr/bin/sce-import
modified:   usr/bin/sce-update
modified:   usr/bin/version


Jason W:
Quieting output of chown and chmod commmands for TCE directories that don't support Unix file permissions.

modified:   usr/bin/deb2sce
modified:   usr/bin/debGetEnv
modified:   usr/bin/filetool.sh
modified:   usr/bin/ondemand
modified:   usr/bin/sce-debpurge
modified:   usr/bin/sce-import
modified:   usr/bin/sce-update
modified:   usr/bin/tce-setup


Jason W:
From nitram:

Modified deb2sce:

-Fixed createImportSummary oversight, now properly reports packages provided
 by dependency chain SCE(s), not just user selected dependency SCE(s).
-Modified warning echo for consistent format when re-importing SCE
 that has an existing .dep file.
-Using the -v (view) option now provides (q)uit option after reviewing
 the package list to be imported, should user want to opt out.


Jason W:
From nitram - adding the ability to comment out /opt/debextra file entries to allow not using that repo while leaving file existing.  Also now recording extra repo information in /usr/local/sce/SCENAME/SCENAME.extrarepo.

modified:   usr/bin/deb2sce
modified:   usr/bin/debGetEnv


Jason W:
dCore-trusty, dCore-xenial, and dCore-yakkety updated.

ppa-add renamed to sce-ppa-add, with revised help and echo outputs per nitram.

deleted:    usr/bin/ppa-add
new file:   usr/bin/sce-ppa-add



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