dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Release Candidates


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Jason W:
Cosmetic fix to zram swap and it's fstab entries.

modified:  etc/fstab
modified:  usr/sbin/rebuildfstab


Jason W:
Reformatted fstab entries, also the below from nitram:

-updated content
-formatted to fit default terminal

-updated content
-formatted to fit default terminal

-updated --help
-added select list loop, view multiple READMEs before exiting

-minor --help update
-streamlined outputs

modified:   etc/fstab
modified:   etc/init.d/tc-config
modified:   etc/sysconfig/boot_path
modified:   etc/sysconfig/sce.purge.example
modified:   usr/bin/readme.sh
modified:   usr/bin/sce-load


Jason W:
The -R and -S options had a bug that has been fixed.  Also the below from nitram:

-fixed format mistake to fit terminal

-format warning outputs to fit terminal

-streamlined purge all output
-replaced purge all Ctrl-c with (q)uit option
-suppressed terminal awk output
-more informative exit and warning outputs
-added cleanup function of /tmp files

-clearer warnings
-format warning outputs to fit terminal
-more informative output during list import


Jason W:
From nitram the $SCENAME_import_data file that contains valuable information on each imported SCE.  Located in /usr/local/tce.installed.

Also, now the -R or -S flag of sce-import acknowledges those flags in import whether the flags resulted in more packages being installed or not in terms of the /usr/local/sce/$SCENAME entries for use during sce-update.

modified:  usr/bin/deb2sce


Jason W:
From nitram -

Modified deb2sce:

-more appropriate file name and pathway:
-lists packages provided by which dependency SCE(s)
-more readable format



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