It's a lot of work to update the numerous X-related packages. I mentioned waiting for xf86-video-intel-3.00 because the risk is that it will require a more recent version of xorg-server than is currently available, which in turn could mean updating a bunch of libs twice in a short space of time.
well, I can somehow understand that. But on the other hand, when looking at it from a security perspective for example, updating xorg-server ideally would have to be done constantly anyway.
Because, for example, this week upstream updated xorg-server again and it fixes
yet another vulnerability, see:
http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=X.Org-Server-1.17.1-ReleasedBoth, the Core 32-bit as well as the 64-bit repos have older versions of xorg-server (1.14.2 for 32-bit and 1.16.1 for 64-bit), so I assume they still suffer from the vulnerabilites which were fixed with xorg-server 1.16.3 and then with xorg-server 1.17.1, which is why I think they should be updated anyway.
Well, I hope xf86-video-intel 3.0 will be released soon, so that you can update the graphics stack.
It would be much appreciated.