@all: tc-config will need a mild tweaking in order to get AoE to function correctly. (We have no tools in the repo for AoE so we have to rely strictly on kernel, which doesn't TELL us much in the event of a problem.)
In the segment following
if [ -n "$AOE" ]; thenabout a dozen or so lines down is a conditional if statement
if [ $CNT -gt 0 ] ; then Within, it creates a link to the attached AoE device in /dev/etherd/ to /dev, makes the directory for [dev] under /mnt and attempts to mount it.
A good number of flags are thrown while attempting to mount the device without a specified type.
after the link is created, it would be wise to nab the fs type
fstype=`blkid /dev/$DEV | awk -F "TYPE=\"" '{print $2}' | awk -F "\"" '{print $1}'`
* Or something similar
The mount line should be conditional such as
if [ ! "$fstype" == "" ]; then which should relieve any headaches and preventing a failed mount when an error should be thrown by us instead.
Beyond that, I'll see about compiling and testing a set of aoe-utils once time permits.
Testing environment:
TC 4.7.7 x86 under i686/3GB/GBe
vblade extension loaded, running the console export of
vblade 1 1 eth0 diskimage.imgbuilt by using
dd if=/dev/zero of=diskimage.img bs=1024 count=1MDrive createdMounted the drive and partitioned it, thus creating e1.1p1
Client: aoe=eth0:e1.1p1 tce=e1.1p1 opt=e1.1p1 running TC4 under VMWare
mount complained the partition was not ext3 and then ext2 compliant, though it's formatted ext4
Invalid device specified (for OPT persist)
Mounting the drive manually worked.
mount -t ext4 /dev/e1.1p1 /mnt/e1.1p1
Once it was mounted manually, rebooting was successful with automation... for some reason... though still complains about ext3/ext2.
Otherwise it works terrifically... now onto seeing whether or not
vbladed is functional and if so... off to stress testing!