Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
piCore 6.0 Beta2
Yep, Also must remember to turn off serial console now.
Was trying new version SSH it boots then does nothing.
Commenting out #/sbin/getty in bootlocal.sh got keyboard back.
--- Quote from: gavinmc42 on December 08, 2014, 03:59:53 AM ---Yep, Also must remember to turn off serial console now.
Was trying new version SSH it boots then does nothing.
Commenting out #/sbin/getty in bootlocal.sh got keyboard back.
--- End quote ---
Tested with SSH image downloaded from the server. Keyboard, serial terminal and SSH works out of box as expected.
Tested X version with installed wifi.tcz. Still need to be installed additional rtlwifi firmware to work with RTL8188CUS dongle.
After the reboot there are still module loading issues at variety hardware around USB hub. The 5 sec delay is not enough.
The LAN network need some time to start working and WiFi is even more delayed and not stable. The LED on the dongle is still ON independently on the state. I've tried to copy the older 5.3 driver module to work without need of additional firmware and be more stable but it's not working at all. Probably the kernel compatibility issue.
Hi Y'all!
Just wanted to say that I can confirm what jgrulich says about the lan network. Yesterday I was just going to check if a program I like was available for the 6.0 beta 2 cut. Apps wouldn't load and I had an error message about the network. Tried again with the same result. Then I opened a terminal and issued: $ifconfig wich confirmed that I finally had a network connection. So it seems that it can take a while before the network actually is up even with cable.
Have fun,
which version you tried, Base, SSH or X? Where is your DHCP server in the network?
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