Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
piCore 6.0 Beta2
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that piCore 6.0 Beta2 is available for public testing:
This is a beta level cut. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.
Since this is an beta cut, although the team has worked through several preview cuts, we ask that only experienced users test. This cut is not for production use. The features in any beta may change before a public release candidate is available.
Note that the fltk library has been updated to 1.3.3 to enable unicode. fltk-1.1 and 1.3 can be installed at the same time, and old apps using 1.1 will continue to work.
We appreciate testing and feedback.
Changelog for 6.0 Beta2:
* kernel updated to 3.17.4
* RPi firmware updated to December 3 release
* serial terminal now started by default
* preinstalled components updated
Changelog for 6.0 Beta1:
* kernel updated to 3.17.3
* glibc updated to 2.20
* gcc updated to 4.9.2
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.42.12
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.25.2
Hi bmarkus!
Took the second beta for a little spin today and it seems just OK! Good work!
Have fun making TC for RPi 'shine',
Thanks Meo
SSH, X version working so far.
Was just wondering if the I/O stuff should be included as standard.
I can access the GPIO pins through /sys/class...
But for i2c sensors I use i2c-tools, so it is the 1st thing I install.
Have not done SPI in PiCore yet so not sure what is needed.
Thanks for the feedback.
Regarding I/O I2C and SPI kernel modules part of base.
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