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Author Topic: One command update of the TCE directory  (Read 2984 times)

Offline coreplayer2

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One command update of the TCE directory
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:35:28 PM »
You know I had fun with that title..  :P

Ok this project has been in progress and in use on all my tc-5x systems for a year now, recent changes are only cosmetic.   I think it's time to share  :)

One command update of the TCE directory never started out that way, it was originally designed to check all extensions in the TCE directory and restore any *.tcz files which failed integrity check whilst protecting modified extensions from update.   If no new modified extensions are found during the scan, then the extension runs as a one click update all extensions in tce directory

Summary of extension
1. Automatically updates each extension found in the tce directory, unless a tce extension is protected from update
2. modified extensions may be protected from up by user removal of original associated *md5.txt file. 
    The extension will maintain a list of protected extensions within the related tce directory
3. the extension will never delete any extension unless explicitly confirmed to do so, a clean up function is provided.
4. Unless specified, the default tc md5.db method is utilized automatically for quick md5 integrity checking, this
    process may take a few seconds only and is server friendly.
    An option is provided to verify integrity using the the respective md5.txt file for each extension under test, but
    this method is not very server friendly and may take several minutes to complete
5. Extensions which fail the md5 check will be backed up in the tce directory with an *saved.001 etc etc name, downloaded replacements from
    the repository placed in an "updates" directory as per standard tc methods which update an extension on next reboot

ok here's some screenshots

extension is to be submitted yet..
script is attached
« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 03:42:55 PM by coreplayer2 »