Trying out piCore 6.00 SSH version.
Tried downloading installing tcz's, "tce-load -wi x.tcz" , tried various .tcz
Because I'm behind a firewall it gets a message back from server.
This message seems to get written into a file x.tcz.dep in the /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional directory
Previous version 5.3xx writes a message to stdio
I think it might be stderr redirection into a x.tcz.dep file
stdio outputs this until stopped by ctrl z
/usr/bin/tce-load: eval: line 1: can't open !DOCTYPE: no such file
<!DOCTYPE.dep and x.tcz.dep files are written to /optional
These contain what look like my local html firewall router login page.
This does not happen in 5.3.1 SSH - 3.14.4 kernel
Guess I should also figure out command line login to my Uni Internet firewall, learning this Linux stuff is never ending

Model A+ on order:)