hi friends,
in my cups-web-gui i get following errors:
Printer Laser Paused - "Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp does not exist!"
Printer Ink Paused - "Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/http does not exist!"
some backends of cups are not linked proberly:
tc@box:/tmp/tcloop/200-multimedia-jessie/usr/lib/cups/backend$ ls
gutenprint52+usb hp hpfax http https ipp ipp14 ipps parallel serial
tc@box:/usr/lib/cups/backend$ ls
dnssd gutenprint52+usb hp hpfax lpd mdns parallel serial snmp socket usb
ipp, ipps, ipp14, http and https are missing,
after setting the links manually everything works fine!
thank you for any help.