"it would be much easier to read and understand your posts if they were shorter and more to the point."
Thank you for the feedback! I shall definitely try to make my points
clearer, and organize things better.
But I don't think I really repeat myself, only re-express an important point.
"As always, if a script or an idea is something we can use in base dCore, it will be considered."
That's what I like to hear

Though at the moment, it's good enough to just publish on this forum.
And I think most of my scripting ideas I'm working with at the moment, are upstreamable (if that's a word).
Oh, and the dCore team shouldn't have to manage sce super-packages, through it would be nice if we had a graphical sce for a basic graphical dCore, just like a graphical TC.
I think that's an essential piece, and I would have jumped on this project sooner if it was as straight-forward as a graphical TC.
As one of the major benefits of a live distro is after all to require no installation -- perhaps just a little configuration.
I mostly just want to have the community engage in an exchange of scripts, as that's after all one of the major benefits of using Linux (open source code).
So you'd just have to manage the check-sums, for things shared through a torrent.
Nice to hear you are implementing such an update script! great work!
As in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Work : "Within Thelema, the Great Work is generally defined as those spiritual practices leading to the mystical union of the Self and the All.".
The Great Work of the software world is just the same... to crystallize the Philosophers Stone of software, hehe... But a package management system is a package management system, and can only be made more solid, simplified and optimized. But it's a Great Work, in that it will help in the unification of Linux.
Well, down the line... but even my direct effort of unifying all the basic GUI programs in the simplest and lightest GUI framework (FLTK), will just be a ripple, and it might just be another tool at first.
But I hope it will become the core GUI of TC, as it integrates things better, and presents them better (or however the user chooses to arrange it). As I've already integrated most tools a graphical TC comes with. Just not the more advanced stuff, like the tool that lists processes, mounted files, and so on.
But it will make IDE's obsolete almost from the start, as you can easily set up a development envrionment, and then extend it yourself, to make it your ideal IDE and work environment.
Well, the GW can't easily be described in words ^^
But I will publish my terminal unification tool within a week, which I hope will clarify what I'm working on.
I would have published it sooner, if NDK++ (the C++ library for ncurses), was programmed better. So I'm working on my own classes for ncurses, as well as the system for encapsulating modules in the program.
Well, even this simpler tool, only dealing with text is not easy to explain...
And today I will experiment with making my simple change to the import script, to merge packages in one core sce (or other super-sce), and have packages in their own directories within (so it's easy to find what belongs to what package).
And from there, perhaps try the way of integrating all the debs in one sfs file-system.
Too bad you can't easily remove files, or in this case, a directory... or to just replace the merged files.