Using the existing nfs-utils (TCL 4.x+) for both client and server simply do not work together with the option crossmnt as described.
mkdir /exports
exportfs -o rw,insecure,all_squash,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534,fsid=0 *:/exports
Works as it's the "parent" file system
mkdir /exports/drive1
mount /dev/sdb1 /exports/drive1
exportfs -o rw,insecure,all_squash,crossmnt,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534,fsid=0 *:/exports/drive1
Fails to be READ as a CHILD to /exports
When mounting server:/exports you'll SEE "drive1" as a directory... but it's empty.
mkdir /mount/path/exports/drive1
mount server:/exports/drive1 /mount/path/exports/drive1
Works (in addition to the above mount) though it defeats the concept of crossmnt.
Now, based on how tc-config works, there's only one boot code for nfsmount= permitted, the above scenario requiring two. For my needs, I'll remaster TC and build up the functions to allow multiple nfsmount=[something] to be allowed within the boot string (plus updating it to allow destination path to be specified) but for the average Joe this is likely to pose issues with stacked exports such as this (and PXE booting, which is my case)