Hi piCore forum.
While working on a way to switch between squeezelite alsa-equalizer plugin, and "normal" alsa plugin,
i have purcased a very clever app, on my ipad, which makes it possible to "send" ssh-commands into the piCore.
I tried, to make a simple command, but the ipad keeps crashing, when trying to connect.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ssh-control/id791148799?mt=8-I figured out, that if i touch an "edit" button, on my ipad program, waiting a few seconds, and then press "done", the login success without ipad crash.
-I also tried login into my NAS-server, without any problems.
My thought is, that it might be the logo showing piCore on ssh prompt ?
-Can anybody help me solve this out

Best. regards Jesper.
NAS -SERVER LOGIN:jesper@jlp:~$ ssh root@192.168.x.xxx
root@192.168.x.xxx's password:
Linux nas-xxx #1 Tue Aug 28 11:21:02 HKT 2012 armv5tel GNU/Linux
Last login: Sat Oct 11 11:30:24 2014 from 192.168.x.xxx
piCore login:jesper@jlp:~$ ssh tc@192.168.x.xxx
tc@192.168.x.xxx's password:
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