Hi BM.
I am not absolutly sure, the problem is EVDEV / UINPUT, which causes me problems.
Funny thing is, i had the LIRC working past, but in another piCore number (Can't remember).
Can you remember, if those two modules, used to be - yes modules before. ?
About building kernel.I can build the kernel an modules on my ubuntu box. -Using e.g. linux-3.14.y from rpi-github, with a grabbed .config from you're kernel.
I allready did that, and changed the EVDEV / UINPUT from buildin to <M> as is

I have been reading a lot, about Tiny/Pi -Core, but there are so many discussions about howto create a custom kernel.
"Normally", one just have to copy the kernel.img, and modules over to the Rpi, and then reboot. (Actually i tried a Gentoo install, and build my own kernel without problems last week!), just to see if i could make it.
Well TC/PiCore, is sort of very different, as one have to make initrd / kernel.img / modules.tcz or ??
Seems a lot i dont quite understand

- I wish there would be a "HOWTO" for piCore, and if i could -I surely would write one myself.
I need a guidiance, of what to do next.
1. I got kernel.img
2. I got modules.gz
3. ?
4. ??

