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Author Topic: wi-fi  (Read 12168 times)

Offline cast-fish

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« on: August 31, 2014, 12:29:35 PM »

Offline coreplayer2

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« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2014, 01:02:36 PM »
First, we need more info

Make/model/firmware revision of USB device

result of LSUSB


iwconfig wlan0 (or appropriate device)

Which driver and firmware loaded

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2014, 03:30:09 PM »
Hello there,

Listen, thankyou very much for replying to me. It's a tiresome,loathsome feeling in the gut having
to use my resolve for this computing issue. It seems unfair to drag others into it.  ALso it was not
mentioned i am talking about windows XP.  SP3 version.

It's a compaq laptop, and has been exhibiting the blue fatal screen on occassion....which
in my extremely limited experience can often point to a hardware discrepancy (external device)

For some lengh of time...wi fi worked fine....but would ofcourse, signal drop on occassion
and it's all new to me because i never used Wi-Fi before.....proper.

So yes, a friend online was saying have staunch resolve and get things solved...but
my experience says, this situation is a lot of hasstle for me right now.

I can't figure it down to either hardware, USB, driver issues, the OS and conflicts...
also throw in signal strenghs all over the shop....and also weather...
A right cooking pot of a mess there....and i feel the effort looming could not yeild much
change....it's still going to be unreliable...

The laptop was working pretty fine and nothing gremlins related appears to be the issue
and it has not been miss-used on the web....etc....(there are no indications of virus etc)

It's looks like a melting pot of unreliability and old gear...mixed with a not all-together smart
operator...that's me...

with the laptop still working for word wide web over cell handset....although this isn't
a nice dsl wi-fi signal.....it's usable...and i am Loathed to have to start rebuilding machines
and software stacks....to find degrees of un-reliablilty at the end of that effort.

sorry to go on....

ridiculous when a kid could probably settle it in no time.....but for me it's a gutt ache.

it seems wiser to me to leave the laptop...with this limited working word wide web...until
wired internet falls my way late next week....hopefully again...



Offline coreplayer2

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2014, 03:57:24 PM »
lol  ok well maybe you need to upgrade the USB wifi device,  wifi devices and routers have made great progress recently

Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2014, 05:10:07 PM »
hell coreplayer2

THankyou, yes that is what most people would do (right)

Uh....it has worked perfect for reasonable lenghs of time. It's just a real
agrivation now...you know.

my instinct tells me stuff, but it's nothing educated. (like i say, a kid could probably solve it)

Well the WI-FI dongles are so innexpensive...indeed this would make sense coreplayer2.

use another piece of kit. THat's less risk and perfectly reasonable proposition.

This is the laptop right now ...you see....Connected and operating on the world wide web.

really thanks,


Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2014, 05:25:50 PM »



Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2014, 05:31:27 PM »

it got me can of worms....thinking.  That's typical for me.

1) Planned obsellesence?  (are wi fi stacks and FW updateable over air?)  The regs say the telco can change soft/w anytime it likes.

2) Tried the registry make over. Though it did not help re-installs of the wi fi dongle.

just unkowns again......anyway, thanks again


Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2014, 10:14:42 PM »

Oh my

just how unreliable do you find WI FI?....

it seems like a pot luck thing.....i mean could you even manage any computing interactions
over connections like this?



Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2014, 05:11:19 PM »

The wi fi story continues here.

COmpletely flattened the laptop machine. Striped the drive. It reported an error at block Zero.

Completely striped the hard drive again "killdisk", this time it was a success.

Completely re-installed win32.

Installed the WI IF usb dongle. (8 seconds)

INstalled word wide web browser  and are on the word wide web now as you see.

Wi FI worked perfectly.....

This clearly prooves that my initial gutt ache had been a deep problem inside win32 and nothing
to do with WI FI hardware.  (was correct)

This takes a couple of hours to proove out.  ONly annoying thing is all the lost data
from the hard drive.

Now i been using WI FI quite some while and signal can go from 54 meg bit down to maybe 11
that's 54 36 24, 11.....and that's a solid signal.

Why post this?

WEll in truth i wanted to give you a heads up and " no brainer" comment about Tinycore.

Yes it's for wired internet connections is Tcl. But is it just Core PLus...(infact a different OS) that can do TCL with wi fi......kind of a larger step 

If the tcl WI FI extension was just real easy, (for example, my telco on win32 is one click to install a wi fi dongle using one extension file. it Buzzes away yellow and your connected to the world wide web in approx 8 seconds.

Is it the case that tinycore could offer to email an Extension?....so that even a nomad city dweller
with just a cell phone could get hold of this and apply it to his THumb drive...and boot TCL to the
word wide web.

Just an idea.

It is just an idea.  Most people are happy with the WWW their smartphone right....

One good thing came out of all the above. I get A really nicely re-worked SLEEK laptop here and
it's in perfect condition and doing what i want   it to do

1) CD quality 5 million track web juke box free
2) STreaming hollywood movies...fullscreen
3) GOogle maps
4) Youtube
5) Adult fun 9ha ha
6) THousands of live online Radio stations
7) 60 live UK tv channels  (TVcatchup) 

etc etc

The laptop was free.....too

so all in all...something worked out



Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2014, 09:34:42 PM »

May not have mentioned in this WI FI thread, but i was using a "hole" in my telco
which gave free DSL wi fi at 54 megbit.  This is kind of fate and luck because it still
works in my new apartment also.

THe Telco is British Telecom UK and the hole is pointed through using Chromium browser
and a special free plug-in extension from the store.  The telco have not discovered this hole
in over 7 months now.

It will perhaps not work globally , depends upon the telco although it will work on all
global British Telecom wi fi zones....which is 12.5 million , of which 6 milllion are outside
the UK.

i realize that for a mamoth corporation they are not concerned about such things.

I calculated that for just the UK, the hole may have lost them maybe 1 .5 million dollars
so far.  The fact they still have not discovered this , well?...could i inform them and get
a free clap on the back?

I don't think anybody is much bothered, but i share , so if you need a free DSL
broadband signal in the UK, and you smell British Telecom wi fi  signals at your home.... let me know.  In return , you could pay it forward sometime to other friends.


Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2014, 12:49:51 PM »

Well, if you see the OP here, there were computer malfunctioning symptoms manifest in software at
desktop level not working right.

A complete overhaul of the HDD and OS seemed to solve this issue. 

After a couple of weeks usage, which is about as much as win32 can take,  well here we are again, the hard drive will just suddenly lock into read loop. Light solid. 

This is exactly what happened a while back, maybe a month and it first manifest in badly executing
desktop apps and software.  It seemed to tolerate it's own demise....win32...for a few weeks
with bad software Initializing of apps and what have you.  AGain, you would still sometimes after long usage see the hard drive lock into write mode. 

eventually the comuter became hasstle and really not usable or reliable and that is when i did
the overhaul mentioned above which seemed to solve it.   

1) I stripped the hard drive. (On the first attempt it indeed reported a hard drive error at Sector Block zero)
2) started completely again and from power up stripped the whole HDD again. THis time it was successful and these were both single ONE PASS attempts....just writting Ones.
3) the OS went back on with just ONE non read file, it correctly read that file on the second attempt
after pressing enter. 
4) The win32 computer worked fine, like i say above, for maybe 3 plus weeks.

So now here we are, again , after prolonged 14 hour usage yesterday i actually "realtime" saw the fault take place and as i was watching NYC live on earthcam  the hard drive went into a read loop.

I believe that this hard drive has a fault, but i am more sceptical than that because it;s my nature
and i am wondering if this compaq motherboard was a recall ?....way back in the 2000's  (all these machines) as they may have had some issue with certain brands of hard drives.  It has a HITACHI
inside it.

The machine is currently working again now, exactly as before , as if perfect, until the next time a
crossover point is reached of either temperature?....caching hard drive reads?...or an intermittent
hard drive heads/sectors problem.

Point in note, the OS has hardly ANY software even installed on it....completely blank Fresh OS
and the perifpherals are all installed correctly with correct win32 drivers.

All these thread details about WI FI is a kind of stick in the mud, distraction from what was really causing the issue, a deep problem inside win32 or the hard-drive hardware is failing....well the former is NOT the case, because win32 is FRESH on this next overhaul i did.   So it' all points to a hard-drive problem.

THe tool i used on the hard-drive is military grade. It DID say that the drive has an error.(Bad sector)  It could be compounded further by intermittent long term usage Temperature issues on the laptop.    0___0

Guys  at TCL.....it looks like the real safety net of Tinycore is going to come into play again for me
here as a solid usable OS on dinasour hardware.....and i thank you for the product indeed.


« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 12:52:58 PM by cast-fish »

Offline Misalf

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2014, 01:09:56 PM »
If Windows has problems reading or writing to a drive for a specific amount of times, it switches from DMA to PIO and stays there (For this drive only; Check via Device Manager). Totally useless for CDs, happened a few times to me. I'm sure the same thing happens to HDDs, too.
Have you scandisk'ed the drive?
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline bmarkus

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2014, 01:13:38 PM »
It happenes to HDD's too, at least in XP/VISTA.
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Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2014, 02:30:47 PM »
Hello members,

thankyou for your replies.

It's exactly that  (second to last reply)....windows decides it can't read OR write (how it likes ) to the hard drive and it goes into a stuck read loop (light on)

No guys, i can't compound this issue further, just not smart enough me,

but the error message blue screen of win32 says...."shadowing" and caching could be an issue
disable shadowing systems etc...  (i use a shadow tool called "time freeze"  free)

THe HDD also has the Check mark...to improve performance by caching up better....its an option
in win32 desktop options...

imagine the laptop has been on a very very long time. It reaches a point in the Shadow "snapshot" virtual session file it's creating.   (via Time freeze) and all the blocks are used up...so to speak....it gets unhappy win32.....and a blue screen....complete shutdown.  (windows detected an error)

who knows?....   

but , you know, in my microcosm world....nothing eeks me more than (a what if) computer....  0___0

i will have to make do....  Tinycore will certainly, (and has) worked fine on this laptop so its so so

thankyou for your replies.  (you seem to be saying, win32 will just get unhappy with external peripherals HDD etc...it's intrinsicily the OS's demise)

forgot to say...the laptop is again, working perfectly  right now, several hours (win32). Exactly as was........... a mirrored operation


« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 02:38:09 PM by cast-fish »

Offline cast-fish

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Re: wi-fi
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2014, 02:42:48 PM »
Yeah Thanks,

did do the usual things....scandisk etc and they show up faultless.

It's somekind of win32 to HDD issue......it's possible chip creep over many years
of sustained prolonged usage. 13 years
