Off-Topic > Off-Topic - Tiny Core Lounge
incredulous that nobody even flinches on that "recall" story and fact about a quarter of a billion dollars worth of hardware...
This is a computing forum, where i would have expected some real quality information
regarding that.
why..?....well if a well known brand "recalled" items even way back THEN....and the extreme low
quality of products of this nature would have been impossible to not
throw your 2 cents of experience in.
It's just odd, because it's a very serious point in the post and i wondered just how often
does this kind of thing happen in todays world with maybe 100 hardware vendors?
sorry to repost....but is this just a fact that i should have more experience and knowledge?
The lack of response could be because the recall notice is over 10 years old, and the links in the recall notice are (long?) dead.
So then, things have just moved on oceans and oceans right.
it is my inexperience, but then one wonders who pays for the recall?
its a complicated life and year on year giants like SONY are oceans in financial
trouble and it seems that misstakes are systemic over several decades...
I am not just trying to annoy or disagree (previous poster)
I know microelectronics is a massive industry but there are enormous jumps
when you go into Defense and the Arms Race.....huge gaps in financial amounts
and the total nine yards of product quality and insurance etc. Military contracts
are many many billions of dollars in microelectronics research and dev.
i have accepted that nobody has imgined the numbers here. I am dyslexic
somewhat so it's how i view things like the above as anomalies. (excuse my spelling).
The technology industry has life-cycles right.
I think it is more likely that the lack of response is due to the fact that this is a tinycore linux forum, and the whole tirade is , well . . . off topic.
You think so?
I was thinking that every forum member would see the off topic stuff just the same as
any other thread.
Nobody is bothered perhaps.
maybe i should recall the thread..... ::)
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