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It is Samnsung memory in this laptop also. Are they not the best? Still, it is listed as defective
if Samsung and in one of these 2002 n800v machines. (will cause fatal blue screens and lockouts
which is exactly what happens)
Found that removing the ram card , 30 secs then replacing it. Booting into an OS then plugging
in the hard drive solves the issue, once again.
The machine does not like the RAM mixed with the hard-drive and MB.....if you remove the hard
drive, tinycore works no matter what. But introduce the hard drive, and even TCL won't boot
nevermind win32. This performance all stops if the conflict resolves itself as mentioned in the
first paragraph and the laptop works fine , for possibly very long periods of time. Weeks.
So there is not all lost all. Makes you wonder how a mutli billibn HP empire can't
test 2 peripherals plugged into a device before selling a million of the devices. They only had
6 types of RAM to try in 6 laptops. The problem appears to be the RAM was manufactured wrong
possible due to a wrong specification qouted to the taiwanese ram factory commissioned to
produce HP's ram modules.
Sounds like a weak power supply or dried out capacitors on the motherboard.
Sometimes old junk just needs to be recycled.
You think so?
THe power brick is ever so slightly overpowered or under (not sure which).
but it would not explain how it works fine for long periods then duf. Randomly as if
like connected with RANDOM access memory.
The symptons are exactly as the manufacturers defect screens and locks ups
is exactly what happens here.
its certainly possible to sort it out though. Which seems to me to be indeed, as if, the peripherals
are re-calibrating with the mb and nulling out some specific bottleneck over reboot. Which indeed points to me to be a hardware interaction problem..... as the manufacturers defect describes.
Well i can quite confidently say that this laptop "intermittent fault" appears to have stopped now.
This seems to have been down to a re-configuration of the Hardware peripheral connection order by me in an unconventional manner while the Laptop was powered on.
1) THe hard disc was re- connected in an unconventional way "while" the laptop was powered on
and running TCL.....and this may have nulled out a software lower than firmware. It could be connected with the initialization from the MB to the peripherals and upscaled from there from Factory originals.
It could have been some eprom initialization issue due to the order in which hardware peripherals
were connected to the mainboard.
Will have to continue happily with this happy conclusion.
oh dear...
same symptom corrected itself almost instantly after some rebooting and power removals.
it is some intermittent temperature issue manifest without warning....but is completely correctable.
it's even possible it could be stuck keys.
Anyway, the tinycore will always work even "as is" .....if the fault
does insist on re-appearing .... (remove the HDD )
It leaves a usable working laptop there.
End thread.
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