Both of those can be done with bootcodes?
blacklist=pcspkr kmap=azerty/fr-pc
Thanks curaga, this I did from the beginning. And I read the wiki too.
- still there is some old info in wiki about Xorg input classes (Section "InputDevice" is ignored, now is "InputClass" for synaptics and keyboards wthen edev is used by default).
- I am dissecting core in bits,
to remember how a great suite of programs could fit in so small size. So I wonder why we have now a link in the root (/linuxrc, we were good even without it) and a lot of extra links in /lib (like ->, instead of simple one renamed as which ldd shows as needed).
It will not make a huge difference in size or speed, I know. But the spirit of the core is to be the smallest and easy to understand (pedantic, didactic). Not any extra fat if not used, or use better alternative replacement.
The easy acceptance of bloat like pulseaudio, or systemd, are examples of cancer spread to linux.
Do we need a monolitic aor modular kernel? I prefer modular up to the bones, for learning.
This is not criticism, just my rant over.