Hi BM..
I (proberly) did know, that filetool, was useless, but i did anyway?
I cannot try from terminal, as i only have SSH avalible in my setup here.
I am adding this bootcode, because i am trying to solve some usbdac problems.
I am trying to make my own, SD, with squeezelite, lirc, LCD etc... but i simply cannot make it play as good as Steen's picoreplayer dist. - Seems like there are something "slowing" the system.
In picoreplayer i am able to play 24/196 files, but not on "pure" picore 5.3.1-SSH dist.
I allready tried to fiddle withe the squeezelite settings, but nothing seems to help.
Maybe there is a better picore dist, to start out with
// Jesper