Because of a few issues I ran into, here the step by step instructions so you can get started faster:
- Download the .img of your choice from Partition your sd card in Disk Utility into 3 partitions (50MB (Boot), XXX MB (TCE), 250 MB (swap partition))
- Doubleclick the .img file so it gets mounted in disk utility
- Click on restore. Use PiCore as source, the Boot partition on your sd card as target. In 5.3.x, only about 23MB were used. Ignore the free space.
- Eject the sd card, put it in your Pi, start the Pi. No X yet - that part Disk Utility won't do right.
- Create the Linux/TCE partition - see steps starting with 1). Use the option "u" to see what you are doing. Ignore the little bit of free room OS X left between the partitions.
- Create the Swap partition using mkswap /dev/mmcblk0p3 (you might want to make it a swap partition first with fdisk)
- Install X - see steps 3ff. It starts automatically when rebooting (sudo reboot), or by typing startx.
- In X, you can check out available extensions in "Apps". Quit X and use tce as shown above to install what you like. I installed XFE and Netsurf today. Unluckily, installing and uninstalling from X doesn't work for me so far...
- You can set your resolution in X with the Editor. Click open, double click the first item until you are in root, open opt, then See F3 boot time options for codes to put into the line vga=7xx.
There might be easier ways to get going, and I'm probably wrong about some of this, but that's what worked for me...
Edit: Found out it's pure chance whether PiCore recognises my Monitor or not after a reboot. Needed a few more reboots to make it work correctly again. My boot options get completely ignored when the system thinks my monitor doesn't support higher resolutions...