Hello again,
After Jason W filled
my request, I worked on TinyZSNES... a LiveCD just for (z)snes fans, like me

It contains zsnes (of course) and ALSA. (ok, nano too but that's not important)
It starts in text mode and loads zsnes automatically with the rom path already set.
Put your roms in the "
snesroms" folder (in the iso) so that you find them in zsnes (game -> load)

I'll put new versions (or just the last ones) in this forder:
http://www.box.net/shared/p02j5j78m1This is my first
public LiveCD so it's still far from what I want or what I could learn from now on... so please test it and tell me it something goes wrong.
Some questions for the next releases:
- How do I remove or change the PNM/image that shows up when booting? (if it's ok to do so...)
- I would like to have the "snesroms" folder mounted automatically, if it's on a cd/dvd/usb or any other device, independent of hdc/sr0/sdb1/sdc1.... My laptop needed sr0 but in virtualpc/qemu it's hdc, so my startupscript includes both... and if one fails the other one gets mounted. I know, it's not really how it should be done, but how? Scripts that mount everything and search for that folder just slow down the bootprocess, I think.
- What should a script contain so that, after exiting zsnes, it would shut down or restart the pc. Well, maybe return to a filemanager also, but that's just big thinking (maybe in some other upcoming version). The shut down should do it for now.
p.s. I didn't remove the gui... so it still has 3-4 MB's too much but I'll wait for the microcore version... (I don't really know how to strip it down correctly). Then it would be really the smallest zsnes livecd, ever