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Author Topic: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?  (Read 12393 times)

Offline aplannan

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Is there a 64-bit release similar to the TinyCore (15MB).iso? If so where can it be found? If not, are there are plans for one that may become available in the future?


Offline gerald_clark

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There are no such release at the moment.
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Offline Juanito

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It wouldn't be possible to make an exact analogy of the TinyCore iso for CorePure64 as there is no 64-bit version of Xvesa. The full Xorg-7.7 (or similar) would need to be used instead.

Offline aplannan

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Thank you for your answers. I gave getting Corepure64 up and running with Xorg a quick try last night, and when I started running into problems put it on hold. I'm sure I'll figure it out, but thought I should I least confirm that the effort wasn't wasted due to a version where the work had already been done for me.

The only reason I'm trying is that I got the free license for Tracktion 5 (Music Production) which only runs on 64-bit OS's. Thought it would be cool to get it up and running on Tiny Core

Offline Juanito

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I'll have a look at making an iso, but it'll take me a few days.

In the meantime loading Xorg-7.7, Xprogs, flwm, wbar and aterm should "just work".

Offline aplannan

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Thank you,

I hadn't loaded aterm, which was maybe what I was missing, I'll give it a try.

Offline Juanito

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2014, 02:57:56 AM »
I prepared a TinyCorePure64-5.3.iso, which is basically a counterpart to the TinyCore-5.3.iso, but uses Xfbdev instead of Xvesa.

You can find the iso at: http://www.tinycorelinux.net/5.x/x86_64/release/

Please test and let us know how it goes.

Offline aplannan

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2014, 06:19:32 PM »
Wow, Thank you so much. Sorry it took me a few days to reply, but I've been busy with work. I'll burn it tonight and check it out.
Thanks again!

Offline aplannan

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2014, 09:09:10 PM »
Ok, it has been way too long since I burned the CD for me to leave feedback, but I have been super busy. I started the CD with the norestore boot option and I get this error:

/usr/bin/startx: line 12: mcookie: not found

This is the same error I was getting when trying to build from scratch. Not sure what is happening

Offline Juanito

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2014, 10:53:16 AM »
I just burnt a cd and booted with "norestore" - everything worked as expected.

What exactly were you doing to get the error?

Offline CentralWare

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2014, 02:06:17 PM »
@Juanito, since the previous poster hadn't responded and the topic is still valid/exists, I was curious if we could research the cause for mcookie.

Environment (last week's attempt):
x86, x64 and Pure64 kernel and image - no boot codes save for tce=UUID
Extensions: Xorg (I tried 7.5 and 7.4 if memory serves, I'd have to check), Xprogs, flwm, wbar *No ATERM during my tests
I used PXE on a mid/hefty dual-core w/ 12G and re-tested in VM to replicate the problem.

All three cores "as is" booted perfectly fine.  (I hadn't realized Xvesa hadn't been ported initially, thus when I switched over to Xorg for testing x64)
On x86 and x64 I used tce-load to pull in the extensions -- smooth as glass after I swapped out my Raedon card with something supported in-house without firmware extensions added.  (Prior X simply failed to load as expected for an AIW card.)  Upon rebooting, everything launched as expected...  test complete.

Now...  I extracted the extensions and embedded them into the boot image and launched the three new images in their place.
On boot, the first thing (after hardware and network settle) is I launch the files found in tce.installed so that support/dirs/files are created for each.
x86: Flawless.
x64: Failed with mcookie error.
Pure: Wasn't tested as I expected the same as x64.

My guesses would be there's a specific order needing to be launched (extensions) (ie: Xorg-libs before Xorg or similar) OR the tc-config for 64 and/or pure does something prior to launching StartX which isn't in the x86 config (I have not looked into either direction yet as I had to park the attempt for more pressing matters.)

Forgive the thread hijack...  it wasn't intentional as I was going to post new until I came across this one still dangling from a few months back and figured if we can sort out the problem, it may also help the initial poster.

Thanks for any feedback anyone can figure out in this matter!


Offline Juanito

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2014, 02:29:20 PM »
tc-config should be identical in all three versions of tinycore

rootfs + modules + vmlunuz
rootfs + modules64 + vmlinuz64
rootfs64 + modules64 + vmlinuz64

The extensions (apart from the -KERNEL ones) are the same for the first two versions (i.e. 32-bit), but  different for the last version (i.e. 64-bit).

It would probably help the troubleshooting if you also tested with corepure64...

Offline CentralWare

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2014, 02:59:09 PM »
Consider it done.  I had to bump the test machine from TC to C7 as I needed an x64 based box for a little while capable of installing AoE, DLNA and a few others which I don't think Tiny has all of which in the x64 repo yet, but thanks to hot-swap this shouldn't be a big deal to get my test environment back together.

Speaking of which...  I haven't run the numbers/compared on the x86 versus x64 TCZ directories within the repo to see what's available and what's missing, but it seems as though every time I turn around there's something odd-ball missing where I'm jumping back 'n forth between compiler and test boxes.  For extensions which do not exist in 64, if I have to spend the time building and testing on the hardware I have here at least, it seems very wasteful if I don't at least ship a copy in to someone who can put it to use.  Any idea as to who would be best suited and/or willing to take the binary (and in many cases, source) sets and run 'em for a trial before packaging and posting?  I'm not looking to be an extension maintainer, otherwise I'd have no reason to ask :) but you guys have been awesome since I first tripped across the TC fold so it's the least I can do.

mcookie issue...  I'll log what's done and how and post back here accordingly when time permits.  (My mirror's set to update this evening, so I'll nab a copy once it's done.)

Offline aplannan

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Re: Is there a 64-bit release similar to the standard TinyCore (15 MB) ?
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2015, 11:43:47 PM »
First off, sorry it took me so long to respond. My work is seasonal and when I am busy it is 12 hour days almost 7 days a week. For me the solution was xf86-video-intel.tcz. Feel silly for not figuring it out months ago. Again sorry about dropping the ball when others were trying to help. Hope this post helps someone else trying to figure this out. Just wondering-is this extension part of the 32-bit TC by default ( I ask only because they always seem to work out of the box for me) and why not include it with the 64-bit version?