I came up with this little guide to installing the official Sun Java jdk6/jre6 after some initial drama on my Microcore/LXDE fixed hard drive rig.
THIS COVERS JDK6(which includes JRE) on Micro/Tinycore
The main reason is that some popular apps will only work with Sun Java as opposed to openjdk,such as Aptana Studio3 (possibly the best Dreamweaver alternative for linux without installing wine)BlueJ java ide and others. Aptana is also good for php,ruby and others if you like to use an ide.Should be good for java swing also.
So anyway if you need the official Sun Java jdk/jre its not too difficult, just follow the 10 steps below.
(If you are installing an earlier or later version obviously just amend the relevant lines)
(In vi hit 'i' to enable insertion, arrow up/down/left/right to navigate,type your entries and to finish hit 'esc' then 'colon x' (+hit enter) to exit saving written file)
1.In terminal: sudo mkdir /usr/java
2.Then: vi /opt/.filetool.lst add line 'usr/java/' and save
(add new java folder to /opt/.filetool.lst as usr/java/)
3.Obtain Java jdk1.6.0_21 (jdk6) from
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk6-jsp-136632.html (get the i586bin release NOT rpm + put in home dir)
4.In terminal: sudo chmod +x <java bin file name> (to make executable)
5.Double click to extract the java1.6.0_21 folder
6.Then: sudo mv jdk1.6.0_21 /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21 That's it,DONE !
Now java is installed set thePATH. (credit to danielibarnes for this)
7.In terminal: sudo vi /etc/profile.d/java.sh add exactly as follows
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
and save (esc, then 'colon x')
8.Then: vi /opt/.filetool.lst and add line
etc/profile.d/java.sh and save.
You now have the export path set in the /etc/profile.d/java.sh file
9. To check that it is installed correctly in terminal type:
and the response should be /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21 if not check the above steps AGAIN.
To enable the java in browsers (mine are Epiphany and Chromium) do the following.
10.In terminal: cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (or path to your plugin dir/symlnk)
sudo ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21/jre/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so (or path to plugin you need)
vi /opt/.filetool.lst add line
usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libnpjp2.so (or path to your plugin dir/symlnk)
and save
REBOOT and visit
http://www.javatester.org/version.html to check if working.
So we are just creating symlinks to the jre plugins that are within the jdk installation (no need for seperate jre) Various plugins are located in both the /lib/i386 and /plugin/i386 folders in the jre directory,which is itself within the jdk directory.
There is also a jdk7 available from some sources though I have not tried it I would imagine it is a similar procedure.
The one symlink seems to work for both the above browsers although depending on your browser you may have to use different plugins,just alter the paths accordingly.
I believe Epiphany has to be installed for the Chromium one to work,or it may just be that the Epiphany one(mozilla) also enables java in Chromium.If you only have Chromium and there isnt a mozilla/plugins folder or it doesnt work then you can try /usr/local/chromium-browser/plugins. In any case you would cd to your browsers plugin directory then issue ln -s <path to whatever plugin you are trying>
All in all its a pretty straightforward procedure.