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Author Topic: getting a tinycore system  (Read 1995 times)

Offline cast-fish

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getting a tinycore system
« on: May 31, 2014, 07:48:58 AM »
Hello TCL forum team,

is this true to say?

There are the following ways of getting a tinycore system working on your laptop

1)Download TCL and burn it....then Install TCL from CD Disc/DVD disc to the HDD
2)Download TCL and put it on a pen drive...then install TCL to the HDD
3)Download the correct version of TCL onto the computer desktop  and double click it for a HDD instal
4)Download TCL and burn it to CD.... then RUN tcl directly from the OPTICAL CD DISC.

5)Download TCL onto a different laptop. Take out the target machines HDD and use the
different laptop to host that hard drive. Make that HDD accept an install of TCL. Then
clip that hard drive back into the target laptop. (would that work?)

6)If your particular laptop has broken FDD,USB and CD OPTICAL, then you can use the script
mentioned in "Off topics" which is a file you download onto the win32
desktop, double click it & it installs TCL to the HDD by pulling it from the internet.

7) You can install TCL from your FDD, OPTICAL, OR THUMB DRIVE by using your internet connection
to download the special file from "netboot" dot com. The laptop boots to that file and pulls
TCL down from the internet and boots TCL   (PXE boots)

8 ) You can take your laptop's ETH 0 wire and connect it directly to another laptops network
socket. Then you can do a NETWORK boot of TCL by chaining it over from the spare
laptop.  (would that work)

9) You can run a virtual machine of TCL on the win32 or Linux desktop.

10) You can run a "co linux" version of TCL on the win32 desktop. (although i have only
seen the micro-core version working of co-linux)

11) You can have an amazon server that boots into TCL. Then direct your web browser
to your amazon server.

12) You can boot TCL over USB from a USB connected hard drive.

13) You can do some of the above methods via WI FI connection also.

14) You can use Levins version of tinycore which boots from Dropbox

15) You can even use a 56k modem line somehow to boot tinycore? 

16) You can do a serial port(connection) to  boot TCL from another server?

anything else

V  (sorry, my initial 5 are a bit convoluted....you'd maybe not need them  once
you had a TCL file on the laptops desktop)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 08:22:20 AM by cast-fish »

Offline omersiar

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Re: getting a tinycore system
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 02:57:48 PM »
1) Yes you can download CorePlus to do that.
2) Possible with Same as 1. You can use core2usb http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=12235.0
3) Not possible
4) Yes this is the way Tiny Core works
5) Yes it would work. Unless kernel supports target laptop's hardware.
6) I did not see any script that install directly to HDD but its definitely possible.
7) Yes you can boot "Core" from HTTP any dot com without extensions. Possible via iPXE (i just tested booting not installing)
8) Its possible. You need setup tc-terminal-server
9) Simply yes.
10) I'm not an expert on this.
11) I don't know amazon's  servers capabilities.
12) Yes, but old hardware may not simply boot.
13) iPXE supports some Wi-Fi hardware.
14) Actually it's not boots Tiny Core from Dropbox. It's emulated Tiny Core using QEMU
15) Yes. 56K modems can download data about at 50 kbit/s. It takes minimum about 30 minutes to download a 14 MB file.
16) Yes, but if only host system's console supports it
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 04:00:03 PM by omersiar »

Offline cast-fish

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Re: getting a tinycore system
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 10:32:50 AM »
thankyou for replying...

the "off topic other os's" area contains a free script which you download onto win32 desktop. You double click it & it pulls tcl down off the network & installs it ...but it does not set up the dual boot menu....(you must do that).

Unetbootin seems a good way to install tcl & also gives you the dual boot menu.

What is great--- is to be able to sit at any web connected machine & just open the browser & get right into a tinycore gui desktop session.....

Or, on that same machine, simply plug in a usb pen, double click an icon & a gui session of tcl starts up..............even on win32
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 10:40:18 AM by cast-fish »