still wondering what frame buffer really is....and WHY it's seems different to me than just driving a video chip with a driver?
1) what is the idea behind a framebuffer? and do modern computers have them? (seems they do)
2) Is framebuffer an "alternative way" of driving a video screen instead of talking directly to a vjdeo chip with a manufacturers driver and the OS?
3) Is "framebuffer" a means for programmers to make computers talk to video screens without programmers needing to liase with the corporation who manufactured the machines video chip? (drivers)
4) Mostly,,,,is framebuffer effectively enabling a computer user to achieve similar results with "some" graphical applications while using less resources than the same app would normally use in a non framebuffer enviro?. (framebuffer supporting apps)
5) If 4 above is true, then why isn't framebuffer more widely used then?....or recommended and why don't more apps support it
After reading "framebuffer" wikis, they describe what FB is in great detail , but not so much why it exists....infact some comments say the reasons why are lost in history...(but, why then, do so few apps really support frame bufffer then?)
i will continue reading wiki's and such if nobody's fine