Hi Bela,
Thank you for this release! The SSH version is very welcome again.

I installed it on 3 Raspberries, and everything is working.
At first I had some problems extending the partition, but that was mainly due to my limited knowledge of partitioning.
The included README is very good, the part of extending the partition was very usefull.
I noticed the tce dir is now in the second partition allready in the SSH image, very good!
I discovered some typo's in the README. I hope you don't mind that I corrected it, and I also changed item 1 about starting the fdisk command (at line 78) a bit.
Owh, and I think in item 2, there is an error, it should say "exit fdisk with 'w' command." instead of "q", I think.
I have attached my version of the README to this post.
Many thanks for your work!