I think this is exactly what I'm trying to get working. Essentially I would think within core itself, it should have a "check" that says if it fails to load the mydata.tgz file and settings, the main kernel should know to try reboot with the mydatabk.tgz.
At the moment, as you say, there's no way I can set a "flag" or similar to tell it to reboot with the mydatabk file. IOW, if I put a "check" into my own script etc, that too is part of the mydata and if not loaded, the check wouldn't work.
Perhaps a boot code could be introduced that would set this type of "flag" to auto reboot with mydatabk if mydata "fails" to extract.
So in my way of thinking, the main OS itself would know that if mydata "fails" it should try mydatabk.
Your thoughts on this?
BIG Thanks!