Hi bmarkus

Very good build, thanks for making it availible with preinstalled SSH. - Really having fun, making this work...
I expanded my SD-card with a partition mmcblk0p2, and maked some space for an yet unused SWAP -partition (300Mb) Everything is working as supposed.
I have been playing a few day's, and even without problems installing my favorite editor NANO.
I also installed the squeezelite-armv6hf player, and its working perfectly.
I have ordred some IR-recievers and a LCD 2x16 display, which i will try to make some fun with.
Well... in another piCore (cant remember version) the SCP did not work, before i maked a symling into /usr/lib etc... etc... (cant remember excatly)
The SCP is working in this version!! - (Just did a SCP transfer into my ubuntubox, with the running .config from PROC.)
I looked into the ".configured" kernel source, and found that the following was included in youre 3.12.1piCore kernel ::
> Device Drivers > Multimedia support > Remote controller decoders
> Device Drivers > Multimedia support > Remote Controller devices
--- Remote controller decoders
│ │ <M> LIRC interface driver
│ │ <M> Enable IR to LIRC bridge
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the NEC protocol
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the RC-5 protocol
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the RC6 protocol
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the JVC protocol
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the Sony protocol
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the RC-5 (streamzap) protocol
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the Sanyo protocol
│ │ <M> Enable IR raw decoder for the MCE keyboard/mouse protocol
│ │
--- Remote Controller devices
│ │ <M> ATI / X10 based USB RF remote controls
│ │ <M> SoundGraph iMON Receiver and Display
│ │ <M> Windows Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared Transceiver
│ │ <M> RedRat3 IR Transceiver
│ │ <M> Streamzap PC Remote IR Receiver
│ │ <M> IguanaWorks USB IR Transceiver
│ │ <M> TechnoTrend USB IR Receiver
│ │ <M> Remote Control Loopback Driver
│ │ <M> GPIO IR remote control
│ │
Some of those modules i need for my project, but cant seem to find them.
I am now looking for the modules in the running raspberry, am i guessing right, that you did not "transfer" all the modules into the piCore ?
// Jesper