Hi again

On my computer I need to add this line to the .config file:
Do you meen the $PATH, when you say .config, or the config file located at
jesper@Lykke-laptop:~/rpi/tools/configs$ ls
bcm2708-ct-ng.config bcm2708hardfp-ct-ng.config ct-nt-version gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian
Also, do i have to set my enviroment (.bashrc) to point to the compiler ??
// Jesper
EDIT !! :: I have been reading the thread, that you mentioned about building a newer kernel.
Did help a lot, for me, but there are still far to many things i do not understand!
I will start a new thread, where i will try to figure out, howto do this from scratch!