Sorry for late answer, but somehow Christmas came up - unsuspectedly, as every year.
Well, what did you find when you tried it?
OK, so when I put a file named
sh containing
export SHELL=/usr/local/bin/bashin
/home/tc/.X.d/ and re-boot tiny then obviously
sh is still being used.
When I enter the export command directly:
tc@box:~$ export SHELL=/usr/Local/bin/bash
tc@box:~$ echo $SHELL
/usr/Local/bin/bashand start another terminal window from there then the new terminal is actually using
bashSo I think I understand the inheritance-thing now.
On the other hand I don't understand why having the script in
/home/tc/.X.d/ was claimed to work in the article I linked.
Add a line to that edits /etc/passwd if bash is loaded.
I think I found an easier (to me) way to get what I want without changing
/etc/passwd at all.
I had a symbolic link named
aterm in
./home/tc/.local/bin pointing to
/usr/local/bin/urxvt anyway (to use urxvt instead of aterm as standard terminal).
Now I replaced this link with a script file just containing
SHELL=/bin/bash urxvt.
(Didn't know that making a new termianl use a certain shell was that easy - I told you I'm kind of new to Linux)
Of course now I have a different problem as the
DEL key is not working (at leas not the way I am used for about 30Years - it just gives me a
And I can't find a
/.inputrc anywhere...
Edit:Figured it out, put my own
.inputrc in
/home/tc containing:
set editing-mode emacs
"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
"\e[4~": end-of-line
# kvt
# rxvt and konsole (i.e. the KDE-app...)