TCZ packages will get there in a week or two.
There are already some "benchmarks" against the Xvesa? The tinyX will suport more resolutions? Support for Xcompmanger?
- benchmarks: the main goal for fbdev and vesa is to be small. They have no render acceleration, for that, use Xorg.
- more resolutions: this is not possible, as fbdev uses the existing resolution, and vesa gets the resolutions from your BIOS.
- Xcompmgr: no, composite support is not included. Please use Xorg for this.
As mentioned in the README, a possible future "Xmodesetting" would be able to use any resolution, as long as an open KMS kernel driver existed in graphics-KERNEL.tcz. However, you can already get the best resolution by loading graphics- and Xfbdev, so the new server is not a high priority.