Rich: Thanks for the additional info. I don't think FLTK makes it easy to look at the raw X event info, but if I need to, perhaps I can figure out a way. Based on some feedback on the FLTK developer's forum, I may be able to re-do some event criteria in Fluff so it avoids the little problems jls has been helping to point out.
I think one key (sorry about the pun
) observation is that FLTK, like many (all?) GUI toolkits sends both a KEY-DOWN (pressing) and KEY-UP (releasing) events. The vi session in aterm in the situation that jls posted closes on the key-down event in the aterm window. Then, when the user releases the key, the focus is probably back on Fluff, so the key-up is sent there (aterm no longer exists). But I've coded most of the keyboard shortcuts to act on key-up. So if I can switch things to mostly reacting on key-down, it may work out better. I don't know yet if there will be many other side effects, but there could be some. Hopefully fewer and easier to manage overall, and will let me clean up some uglier parts of the Fluff code.