Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Tiny Core v5.0.2

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Team Tiny Core announces Core v5.0.2, a minor adjustments release, is now available for x86


Change log:
* tc-config: pretce processing done earlier to allow loading of network drivers (thanks to Gerald Clark)
* tc-config: Cosmetic text message adjustments - (thanks to ioannis)
* tc-config: allows the nfs directory to be mounted without -onolock  (thanks to Gerald Clark)
* tc-functions: setupHome to allow existing empty home directory
* tc-config: Restore mkdir home to support tftplist
* ondemand: Fix remove option when called without .tcz suffix
* server-side syslinux synchronised with isolinux.bin from the latest 5.x extension

Note that you will need to update the Xlibs and Xprogs extensions

I downloaded the 5.0.2 core.gz and rebooted. Ran a check for updates in apps but didn't get a notice about Xlibs or Xprogs. Everything seems to work though.

Hi Tiny Core Team!

Thanks for the update! Have played a little with it and it seems just GREAT!!! Thanks again!

With appreciation,


fine work tc 5.x.
Indeed tc 5.00 5.01 and 5.02 do not
entirely load into RAM.
you cannot unmount bootmedium
as previous versions did.


--- Quote from: okieh on October 19, 2013, 10:30:14 AM ---Hi,

fine work tc 5.x.
Indeed tc 5.00 5.01 and 5.02 do not
entirely load into RAM.
you cannot unmount bootmedium
as previous versions did.

--- End quote ---
None of that is true.
1. Core does load entirely in RAM.
    If you have something not in RAM, then it  is a loop mounted extension, not Core.
2. Boot medium is not mounted during boot.
3. It is impossible for Linux to even know what the boot medium was.
    If you have something mounted at login, you have an extension loop mounted, or have opt or home on the mounted device, or something in bootlocal.sh mounted it.


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