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why do you leave TinyCoreLinux and where do u go after?
Yeah, that paper was the shot heard around the world!
Using mixed-metaphors, imagine us working in some other comp center and coming across it ... we'd be babbling in disbelief ...
"Check it out - it only crashes every other day and one run was up for 2 weeks!
We take uptime for granted these days - back then when you got a mini and placed it up against only ONE wall of a room, uptime for more than a week was rare before having to reboot. And when you bought a mini, you also bought into a service-contract for a team to come and swap boards, fix dying chips, etc on a regular basis. You had to. Imagine if years later when you bought an IBM PC, you also had some techs knocking at your door every 2 weeks to keep it running!
"Hey, these guys are doing system programming a high-level language called C. WHAT? No more assembly? You gotta be kidding. Can't be done."
"Check out that pipe | mechanism. Redirection <> is pretty standard, but check that pipe out!"
"What do you mean you can treat external devices like files? No vendor o/s specific language to manage our files and send/retrieve them from devices? Are you telling me that to print my listings, all I have to do is
cat mythesis > /dev/lpt
Dude, what sorcery is this??? "
Nearly everybody knows about the introduction of unix pipes, but "everything is a file" including things like printers, just exploded your head.
Professor Bob Fabry at Berkeley got wind of this, and immediately brought V4 back to their comp center. Makes sense - Berkeley was Ken's alma-mater, where presumably he was playing with the BTS timesharing system many years before. Well before the "BSD" days.
At this time, MIT and GE/Honeywell, with ATT out of the picture, the rest of the team were trying to work the bugs out of MULTICS and were progressing well. And of course Richard Stallman was working on the ITS timesharing system, also at MIT - programmed in assembly of course, in the AI department of MIT on big-iron like the PDP-10, unlike ATT's "rasberry-pi pdp-11's". ITS being a counter-revolutionary reaction to the Arpa-funded CTSS > Multics project, where ITS was left to the AI hackers to do what they pleased without any commercial / government oversight.
Easily forgotten is Gary Kildall working on CP/M for MICROprocessors at this time. Got it to work, but using paper-tape punch and mechanical teletypes made it far less useful for common consumers. He was trying to figure out how to rattle the disks of the recently introduced 8-inch floppy, where CP/M makes more sense for the 70's consumers.
A ground-breaking time man. That sense of wonder and learning is what keeps me involved with TinyCore today - it seems to espouse some of the same spirit.
Unfortunately, like back then, many view computers as simple app launchers "dude, how do I get super-mario-brothers to play?" Sigh. :)
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