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why do you leave TinyCoreLinux and where do u go after?

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just saw this post so add my 2 cents worth. People do not always leave for some kind of software reason. umm the main reasons I have left in past, still haunt me coding skills and communications could improve.

ignoring me can I offer other reasons.

1) Sometimes people are given a work computer and its easier for them to learn it quicker if there other computers are converted to the same distro.

2) specific hardware to software Linux support. On another forum, a person heard of a a fancy laptop sold with Ubuntu variant already pre-installed.......and the drivers (kernel modules) were or are AFAIK some kind of third party and are not forced to be
license GPL MIT to use some of the hardware, they are "forced" to use certain software.

I am guessing the hardware was or still is so new, other distros would struggle to install and have all the hardware enabled.

I don't mind if you dispute this claim as long as you could accept such agreements between hardware vendors and software companies can and do occur from time to time.

eg router vendors tend to use a particular type of software altho I lack the skills to know what distro mine is using under it shell.

I have seen a propriety type system.....that showed Linux was booting up before the fancy graphics locked us into a few choices.

3) out of the box experience.
Sorry if this seems obvious but I suspect the main reason why people go to Ubuntu and other such distros is because they may be ex-windows users and just want to click a button and it automagically works. I am pretty sure most of us have seen this before.
---I am not suggesting such users are good bad .....they are entitled to their views....I merely offer it as a reason why people leave.

hope I have not offended anyone.

and yet again i'm still using tinycore
but if i wanted something to switch to i made some nice experiences with void linux. can't say that about anything else i've used in the meantime (since starting with tinycore). if you like rolling release and want a simple system installed to disk in the traditional sense and with the common packages most people need it's quite nice. there's even an option to use the musl libc there, which i find marvelous.

@aus9: I think anyone who comes from windows to tinycore must have chosen tinycore specifically to avoid the crappy experiences they get out of the box on windows/ubuntu. It's not like tinycore is shiny or does anything to attract the people who are attending those "year of the linux desktop" convetions: So whoever comes here should know pretty well what jobs are easier done on tinycore than some bloated, hard-to-configure, badly working, monolithic enterprise software :P

    Hi all
    I have followed tinycore since it was dsl
    It has now matured to the point where I use it as my primary distro 
    Its true that a lot of people just want something they don't have to (and can't) mess with 
    but a lot of people still use windows
    I'm sure most people don't know tinycore exists or the power and elegance of it
    However once you are aware of it no other distro even comes close 
    That's why its good to try to spread the word
    Personally I just really appreciate that tinycore exists
    because though I was able to envision it
    I didn't have the expertise to make a useful system
    Thanks again to all the people who made tinycore
    its a masterpiece 


Because of SEVERE lack of easy-to-understand documentation. This OS has been built for nerds and normal users can really feel this. The wiki, the book, no easy step-by-step instructions.

If you want to do something very basic, then tough luck for you, you won't be able to do it If you aren't a developer.

Also, this community doesn't seem to understand that some people are LITERALLY computer illiterate and don't even know what a web browser is. If you don't guide them very carefully, they won't be able to do a damn thing.

Hell, even people who know about computers but are kind of new to this OS can be lost.

No one listen to the community here, a lot of people complained that the captchas were unreadable for instance and no one gives a damn about this.

Also, some members of this community can be very rude at times.

So much wasted potential for this OS.

I will come back to tiny core linux, the day where we will be able to have PROPER documentation that can be read by HUMANS.

In other words: The OS itself/the code is good, the environment surrounding it (documentation, community, support etc) is DISGUSTING.


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