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why do you leave TinyCoreLinux and where do u go after?
I take this opportunity to salute and congratulate you all for 5.0 version... (I still read forum occasionally)
I switched to Alpine Linux a time ago...
Alpine Linux has advantages and disadvantages over TinyCore but the main reason was I like/need a standardized process of building and maintaining extensions (like Arch/pkgbuild).
Either way, I still think that TinyCore is a great distribution.
Regards to all.
Edit: Also, I would like to apologize to Zendrael and manit123 for unread PM.
--- Quote from: AmatCoder on October 06, 2013, 02:09:17 PM ---I take this opportunity to salute and congratulate you all for 5.0 version... (I still read forum occasionally)
I switched to Alpine Linux a time ago...
Alpine Linux has advantages and disadvantages over TinyCore but the main reason was I like/need a standardized process of building and maintaining extensions (like Arch/pkgbuild).
Either way, I still think that TinyCore is a great distribution.
Regards to all.
Edit: Also, I would like to apologize to Zendrael and manit123 for unread PM.
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Alpine Linux is a community-developed operating system designed for x86 Routers, Firewalls, VPNs, VoIP and servers.
Tinycore is a °normal° distro so why have u changed_
As you can read here:
--- Quote ---Note: As the About page says, Alpine is "designed for x86 Routers, Firewalls, VPNs, VoIP and servers." But it's a perfectly workable desktop system, too. The shortcomings just have to do with the small community, and that sometimes you may need to get your hands dirty modifying scripts written with more mainstream desktop distros in mind.
--- End quote ---
I use openbox but it also has kde, gnome, xfce4, fluxbox, pekwm, awesome... and enlightenment ;)
You can see all packages available here:
* main:
* testing:
There were two reasons I occasionally bounced off tinycore.
#1 - Kernel version. I frequently wanted to do things with newer kernels. Most recently, proper HDMI support for my graphics card required a newer kernel. It's easier and less troublesome to just switch to say, arch linux than try to build and look after my own custom kernel. (5.0 has a new enough kernel that I doubt this will be an issue again for a while, which made me quite glad :) )
#2 - I do a lot of development work in scripting languages, or languages that have their own "special" package management - python, node, go, etc. TBH, these languages don't really fit well with core's philosophy. Development in python isn't so bad - set up a virtualenv on some sort of persistent medium, and go to - but I'd love a way to (easily) install something from pypi system-wide and have it persist across reboots. (This is actually a discussion I'd love to have if anyone has any input)
Oh, and there is actually a #3: it's proven bloody well impossible for me to work out how to get a working Haskell installation.
I run on Arch linux 64 bits with Openbox on my PC daily, and have TC 5 as a backup/recovery. (But I am not pleased with Arch direction forward systemd). I like a 64 bits system to run Qemu (and a custom TC 64 version under it), and the new 3.11 kernel provides dynamic power states for my ATI X1400 graphic card, even with some trouble to patch/recompile OSS (open sound system).
Future? Aboriginal linux; it has kernel 3.11, toybox (small/smarter version of busybox) and I hope for musl (instead of glibc).
Why? Because the future is for ARM tablets, PC era is going underway in some (10?) years, Android is linux based (still closed source); And I would love a device with a customisable TC type kernel.
I keep going back here to watch/test the TC advanced ideas, because I dislike bloated/fat systems.
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