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why do you leave TinyCoreLinux and where do u go after?

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Automatic compilation wouldn't solve the manpower issue - even if the app compiles, it still needs testing before it can be had there. Mere "does it start" isn't enough really.

The fact that they should be tested does not deny that need to be rebuilt :P

@vinnie: It's much easier to learn how to compile and create a package than to create, maintain, use, understand and workaround errors in an automated build system.

> We could make sure that meo have the latest minor version of firefox in complete autonomy, the minute after its release (just kidding but it is a plausible perspective, I hope that meo do not get angry  )

100% autonomy is only useful when the automation works perfectly stable, which it never does. Else why would you need to update at all?

I think you're too radicalizing your statements.
No automatic system is 100% perfect, not for this you do not tend to automate things.

I used arch before tinycore and I assure you that I was not able to create any kind of packages or compile source, anyway I used aur to install software.
Nothing is perfect, arch was too bleding edge and stopped working after some time (after some updates).

Subsequently with tinycore and with a lot of efforts I learned how to compile and to package (I started with circuslinux).
I have also managed to create some (ugly) script cloning here, there and everywhere,
I copied a lot from the jason script, but very often when i not knowing well what to do, I copied from aur script.

So what you say is true, the approach of "basic" is better to learn, however automate things is the next step.
I remember back when the .tce packages had not automatic resolving dependencies, someone at the time argued that it was easier to specify all dependencies by hand,
then we know how things went.


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