Make sure you leave out the leading slash when you add the line to /opt/.filetool.lst:
I actually did use it without slash. Later I found out that I must have a typo in it.
Now it is actually working and included in mydata.tgz, and properly populated on reboot.
But as I found out, my custom net rule is not recognized. I know the custom rule ok. It works when I remove the driver module
and then reload it with 'modprobe'. But it fails on bootup.
It most likely a timing problem. When mydata.tgz (which contains /etc/udev/riles.d/60-persistent-net.rules) is unpacked,
the udev subsystem already assigned the network device names.
I could do a post rmmod, modprobe, ipconfig for both interface, but that is pretty much a 'cluttery' kludge and messy.
I ended up creating a custom tce/boot/core.gz, which is like the original, with my /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-net.rules added.
Now my udev network custom rule is properly recognized at system startup.
no more changing device order.
Question: Should this be considered a bug?
Would be nice to have a facility (other core.gz) to have custom udev rules recognized at boottime.
For built-in networking devices it kinda essential.