I have firefox-get in the 5.x repo if interested. It is designed to reduce users posting in forums about the latest firefox.
----while the download structure for firefox remains unchanged. To download an old firefox.tcz is about 25 megs and to download firefox-get and then the latest firefox will still be about 29 megs. But here are the main differences
If you are one user,
you can keep firefox in your home folder and run it from your home folder.
-- you can have it check for updates and update......no more TCZs
Of course, you could have done this in the past as well, without my script
but my script hopefully gives you a .local/bin/wolf command
so you can also click on run and type "wolf" without the quotes to start firefox
If you prefer TCZs or have multiple users short of space etc
the script will build a tcz called wolf-----if you tell it to
----its called wolf so that /usr/local/bin/wolf does not interfere with those who still use /usr/local/bin/firefox
so you can have 2 loaded at one and running at once.....why I don't know!
When you become aware there is an update for going thru help----check for updates
---or changing your settings as per the info file
THEN you re-load firefox-get and re-run to download the newer version
To be safe, copy existing wolf* out of tce/optional until you confirm new wolf works ok.
Of course, I can not predict the future, so the script only works why the download link style is the same as 23.0.1
If that changes post a bug report and someone should be able to tweak it
good luck

click on image to zoom if interested