Tinycore is here 12/1/2008! Welcome visitors.
Quote from: theYinYeti on September 30, 2013, 04:50:42 PMHere’s my report on extensions previously on TC4, that I tried to load on TC5:...thunderbirdThe thunderbird dep file states that it depends on (amongst others) libstdc++-5.0.7 and xulrunner: Code: [Select]$ ldd `which thunderbird`... libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 (0xb7640000)..indicates there is no need for the dep on libstdc++-5.0.7 and it starts without xulrunner - does it work without xulrunner?
Here’s my report on extensions previously on TC4, that I tried to load on TC5:...thunderbird
$ ldd `which thunderbird`... libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 (0xb7640000)
..The .dep files for getlocale and gftp2 should be changed accordingly, then.And aircrack-ng too (libssl).
Thunderbird seems to work OK (at least I can see my messages from the IMAPS server) with the following dep file:Code: [Select]openssl-1.0.0.tczgtk2.tczdbus-glib.tczlibasound.tcz
A mail client with a dependency on libasound? Really now?
inflator depends on aircrack, which depends on openssl-0.9.8 so it will need re-compiling against openssl-1.0.0nmap depends on libnl1 so it will need recompiling against libnl